Masters Kris Celeste Masters Kris Celeste


Kinicki & Fugate defines motivation as "why we do the things we do" and "describes the psychological processes that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought" (Organizational Behavior, 2006, Pg 162). The authors of Organizational Behavior explain that there are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Motivation affects the behaviors of employees. Understanding these types of motivations can help managers and supervisors lead their employees well. 

Extrinsic Motivation

The easiest definition of motivation for employees is external rewards. Employees receive what are called incentives (i.e. bonuses, performance raises, etc.) and these incentives are defined as extrinsic motivation. Organizations use this type of motivation to encourage a task to be accomplished and most often by a specific time. For example, as a web developer, if I am able to design and build X number of websites within a week, I receive a percentage bonus of the earnings from X clients. I am then motivated to increase X number so that I can receive a higher percentage bonus. My performance determines the amount of bonus I will receive after a week of work, so I am motivated by that potential reward.

The online electronic retail company I previously worked at had a bonus structure that held up well. Employees received a 3%-5% bonus twice a year that relied on their job performance evaluations. On top of that, the salaries were competitive. The issue with a lot of companies where there is a high level of unsatisfied employees is that this is not the only factor of motivation for a lot of people in the modern age.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation "occurs when an individual is inspired by the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well, rather than being dependent on external factors (such as incentive pay or compliments from the boss) for the motivation to work effectively” (Organizational Behavior, 2006, Pg 162). Simply dangling a carrot stick in front of workers is no longer enough. The “why” needs to be more than that for workers of today. This “internal” motivation is what keeps us continuing to do what we do when the extrinsic motivation runs out.

The Bible speaks about such motivation in an eternal sense where it says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” (Colossians 3:23 New International Version). It is our very nature to need more than just material motivation to do our best. Simon Senek, an author and motivational speaker, describes our desire to connect to something greater than material rewards. He says in one of his speeches, “If we have a goal that we have to achieve for work, and we miss the goal, do we feel bad that we let the numbers down? No. We feel bad that we let somebody we love, down. We feel bad that we let down our boss, let down our parents, let down our coach…we feel bad that we let down a human being. Accountability is never to a number. Accountability is to a person.” He states accountability to a person as motivation. This is why organizational leaders, supervisors, and managers that lead well, receive the best from their employees. The bonuses and performance raises are appreciated, but the passion and drive come from inspiring leaders. In’s article titled, “What are the most satisfying jobs?”, seven out of the ten reasons that make a job satisfying are intrinsic.

“If there is no relationship with the person who is supposed to look after us or the person we’re supposed to be working for, then we don’t feel accountable. This is where leadership becomes really, really important” (Simon Senek, 2017).


What are the most satisfying jobs? (Doyle, Alison. 2019). Retrieved from

Kinicki, A., & Fugate, M. (2016). Organizational behavior: a practical, problem-solving approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Simon Sinek: Find Your Why | One of The Best Speeches Ever. Retrieved from

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