The Year of Greater Things
Steven Furtick’s first book, Sun Stand Still, was all about asking God to answer our audacious prayers. Prayers that aligned with the Will of God. In this book he talked about praying the prayers that mirror God’s BIG & AUDACIOUS plan for our life. These last couple of years God has been transforming the way I pray. Praying for BIG things that will glorify not myself but Him because He alone is worthy. After a couple years of praying audacious prayers, God has not only been changing my circumstances but most importantly has been changing how I react to my circumstances. It all started by changing my view of my relationship with God from all about me to all about Him.
My Bit From The Book
I read through the first three chapters probably four times. Not because I'm a slow reader but because there’s so much good stuff to take from it. I’ll share a section in the first chapter that I keep going back to that relates to the change in how I view my relationship with God:
“Good enough = the baseline living marked by mediocrity, being stuck in spiritual survival mode, and being controlled by complacency. Leaves you stuck in stagnation.
Greatness = the vague, unrealistic aspirations of doing better that don’t work in real life. leads to endless frustration.
Greater = the life-altering understanding that God is ready to accomplish a kind of greatness in your life that is entirely out of human reach. Beyond Steve Jobs. Beyond what you see in yourself on your best day. But exactly what God has seen in you all along.”
After the first chapter, I could already see the connection between audacious, God-glorifying prayers leading to a life that’s greater than I could dream of for myself. Why would I want to settle when there’s more that God has for me? And more requires less of me and more of Him. It's definitely not the way the world says we should think. Actually the complete opposite. God has done beyond my definition of greatness in my life so far. He’s given me a purpose, a rock for a wife who loves Jesus, a healthy little boy and a future that’s beyond my wildest imaginations. All to show me how much He loves me and so I can have all the more reason to glorify and honor His Name.
Originally posted on September 2012.